TLC Middlesex are celebrating the donation of their 30,000th teddy.
Staff at North Middlesex Hospital welcomed the arrival of the 30,000th bear, where it will soon be given to a child receiving treatment in the accident and emergency department.
Campbell Caraher, the Coordinater for TLC Middlesex, was pleased to be able to present the bear as part of their latest delivery, and said:
Middlesex Freemasons have shown tremendous support for the TLC scheme. It is a wonderful feeling to know that 30,000 children have been comforted by their new bears during a painful or frightening visit to hospital.
Six hospitals across Middlesex are given regular supplies of TLC tedddies in various colours so that medical staff can always provide a bear to any child they are treating.

Middlesex Freemasons have run their TLC scheme since 2005 and undertake various fundraising activities to buy the bears.